Thursday, November 10, 2011

LAD #11: Seneca Falls Declaration

An ideal example of an individuals claim to their own right to public respect and civil liberty is embodied in the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions. This example was modeled around the contents of the Declaration of Independence describing that both men and women have inalienable rights, being that they are created equal. It repeats the Declaration of Independence by stating that a governmental system serves the purpose to protect these rights from oppressment and allow for the betterment of the public. According to the Seneca Falls Declaration, both society and government as a whole has ultimately failed at effectively doing this for women, a necessary and integral part of the American community. In this, a similar list of grievances is devised here which explicitly states the injustices found throughout sexist and tyrannical acts towards said women. Some of the grievances provided are that women are denied the right to vote, their rights to property and fair wages, creating a different moral code for men and women, denying women proper education, and supporting the idea that women are mainly morally unjust beings. Conclusively, the Seneca Falls Declaration ends with a list of proper solutions to these issues, citing examples for the equality of men and women, further asserting the rights that these women seek to enjoy.

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