Friday, February 3, 2012

LAD #31: Wilson's Fourteen Points

Wilson's Fourteen Points focus primarily on calling for an international policy of open relations and peace.  "The day of conquest and aggrandizement is gone by; so is also the day of secret covenants entered into in the interest of particular governments and likely at some unlooked-for moment to upset the peace of the world." Too, he urges the American people to come together through a new sense of national unity, stating that "all the peoples of the world are in effect partners in this interest." Together, his fourteen parts are as follows:
1. Calling for diplomacy,
2. Freedom of the seas both during peace and war,
3. Equal trading conditions throughout the globe,
4. A reducing of national arms,
5. The adjustment, impartially, of colonial claims,
6. Evacuation of the Russian Territory and aiding Russian Government,
7. Freedom for Belgium,
8. A correction by France for the wrongs done against Prussia in 1871,
9. Readjusting the territories of Italy,
10. Free opportunity for the people of Austri-Hungary to autonomous development,
11. Evacuations of the countries of Montenegro, Serbia, and Romania,
12. Dardenelles permanently opened to free trade and freedom to Turkey from the Ottomans,
13. Erection of a free Polish State,
14. And mutual guarantees of territorial and political stability and independence for small nation states.

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